Yes! FundedNext offers an Affiliate program where you can earn commissions by referring new traders.
The commission structure is tiered as follows:
Star: 8% commission
Galactic: 12% commission
Cosmic: 15% commission
Infinity: 18% commission
Discount coupons available are:
Star: 0% discount
Galactic: 5% discount
Cosmic: 7% discount
Infinity: 8% discount
To advance to a higher tier:
Star: $0 commission in a month
Galactic: $1,000 commission in a month in the “Star” Campaign ($12,500 revenue)
Cosmic: $2,500 commission in a month in the “Galactic” Campaign ($20,833 revenue)
Infinity: $6,000 commission in a month in the “Cosmic” Campaign ($40,000 revenue)
Affiliates in the Galactic, Cosmic, or Infinity tiers who do not meet the criteria for three consecutive months will be demoted to a lower tier.
To get more information regarding the Affiliate program, kindly click here