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What's the difference between Challenge and FundedNext Accounts?
What's the difference between Challenge and FundedNext Accounts?
Updated this week

Here are the key differences between a Challenge Account and a FundedNext Account:

Profit Share

Challenge Accounts: Traders receive a 15% profit share across all models except the Stellar Lite.

FundedNext Accounts: Traders can increase their profit share up to 90% as they progress through the FundedNext Phase. For example, in a Stellar 2-Step Account, a trader starts with a 15% profit share. Upon reaching the FundedNext Phase, the profit share increases to 80% and can go up to 90% with further progression.

Profit Target

Challenge Accounts: These have a profit target during the Challenge Phase. For example, in the Evaluation Model, traders must reach a profit target of 10% in Phase 1 and 5% in Phase 2.

FundedNext Accounts: There is no profit target. For example, in the Evaluation FundedNext Account, traders are not required to meet any profit target.


Challenge Accounts: Traders have the option to reset their accounts in Phase 1 and Phase 2.

FundedNext Accounts: Traders cannot reset their accounts once they enter the FundedNext Phase.

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