Will I get any Certificate?
Updated over a week ago

FundedNext deeply appreciates your trading skills and talents. As a token of recognition for your achievements, you will be awarded certificates from FundedNext. There are 5 types of certificates available: Elite Trader Certificate, Crown Trader Certificate, Payout Certificate, Lifetime Certificate, and Max Allocation Certificate.

How do I obtain the certificates awarded by FundedNext?

FundedNext highly values your trading skills and accomplishments. To receive your certificates, the process is fully automated for your convenience. Simply log in to your FundedNext Dashboard and navigate to the left side of the dashboard, where you will find the "Certificates" section. By clicking on it, you will have access to the certificates available based on your achievements. With just a single click, the certificate will be generated and delivered to your registered email address.

You will receive the Elite Trader Certificate under the following conditions:

  • Upon successfully completing Challenge Phase 1 of the Evaluation, Stellar Lite, and Stellar 2-Step account

  • Upon successfully completing the Stellar-1 Step Challenge account

  • Upon receiving your first payout from the Express Challenge account

You will receive the Crown Trader Certificate under the following conditions:

  • Upon successfully receiving the first payout from the FundedNext account, applicable to Express, Evaluation, Stellar Lite, Stellar 1-Step, and Stellar 2-Step FundedNext accounts

You will receive the Payout Certificate under the following condition:

  • Upon successfully receiving payout from the FundedNext account, applicable to Express, Evaluation, Stellar Lite, Stellar 1-Step, and Stellar 2-Step FundedNext accounts

You will receive the Lifetime Certificate under the following condition:

  • Upon successfully receiving three payouts from the FundedNext account, applicable to Express, Evaluation, Stellar Lite, Stellar 1-Step, and Stellar 2-Step FundedNext accounts

You will receive the Max Allocation Certificate under the following condition:

  • The Max Allocation Certificate can be obtained by achieving a $300,000.00 FundedNext account size ($50,000 for the Stellar Lite FundedNext account). In countries where a maximum allocation limit is set, the stipulated amount will be deemed as the max limit for allocation. For example, if you have received $200,000.00 in the Express Non-Consistency FundedNext account and $100,000.00 in the Evaluation FundedNext account, you will have reached the maximum account size with FundedNext, making you eligible for the Max Allocation Certificate

Please refer to the image below for details about when you will receive each certificate:

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