To make payments with Local payment options on FundedNext, follow these simple steps:
Sign Up or Log In: Visit If traders are new, sign up with all details. If you're already registered, log in to the FundedNext Dashboard.
Select a Challenge Account: Click on any ‘Get a Plan’. Here, they'll see various account models. Choose the one that suits the trading style and goals. For example, they can select the Stellar 2-Step 50K Swap Free MT5 platform with a 95% Payout Add-on account. After selecting your preferred account model, scroll down and click 'Continue.'
Proceed to Checkout: You’ll be directed to the checkout page, where you’ll find multiple payment methods.
Choose Local Payment: Look for the 'Local Payment' option among the available payment methods and select it for a straightforward and accessible payment process.
Complete the Payment: After completing the payment, they’ll receive a confirmation email. It typically takes about 30 minutes to process the account. traders then receive another email with their account login credentials.
By following these steps, their transactions will be smooth, and they can start the challenge with ease!
Please note that traders can use the Local Payment method to make payment for their Account only if their Country supports Local Payment method. Otherwise, the Local Payment method won’t be shown in their Dashboard.
Check out this video for a better understanding on how to make a payment with Local Payment option at FundedNext: